Masks: The Great Debate

2 min readAug 16, 2021

As I scoured the News section of Yahoo during my lunch break I was saddened as I came across the article below about an 11 year old dying from Covid. The article below was about a High School Freshman “politely declining” to wear a mask. I felt myself roll my eyes, “politely declining” is for something that is suggested or offered not for a requirement or a mandate. I hastily clicked on the latter to read more before judging, maybe I had misunderstood. I was disappointed; the teen apparently replied “I don’t really participate in that” as if she was offered drugs instead of a mask that would potentially save lives.

Source: Yahoo News

That’s the world we live in today. People are entitled, they blur the lines between politics and science, beliefs and facts, safety measures and freedom. Everybody wants to shout about their freedom but they don’t want to take responsibility. They proudly scream that selfless men and women gave their lives for our Freedom, yet fail to understand that we have our freedom because they were selfless, because they followed measures to keep everyone safe and free.

During wartime, blackout regulations were mandated to keep enemies from finding civilians and dropping air bombs on them, thus keeping everyone and those around them safe. If that happened today, we would have people refusing to do so because they do not believe in it or they do not participate or because its an infringement on their freedom, thus leading the enemy to find their exact location and killing them. This is similar to today except our enemy is invisible but it is killing millions of people due to the carelessness of others. Our ancestors went to war to defend our Freedom, yet we can’t wear a simple mask in order to lower and stop the spread of this virus. Everyday we see people and more children getting sick and dying from the virus, yet we deny that the virus is real. Our war is with each other, those who take the virus seriously and those who do not, those who wear masks and are vaccinated and those who politely declines mask wearing and chooses to believe that they will track us or make us magnetic with the vaccine. We all have one common enemy, our war should be with the Virus.




Complete amateur, trying my hand at writing.